Our annual Open House was very busy and we moved a good deal of machinery last week. Why?
We demonstrated a number of current generation in-line or near line machines that reduce labor. Surprised? I didn’t think so. Over the weekend I heard pundits talking about how businesses could hire right now but can’t find good people. Sound familiar?
The new Drylam ALM3220 is a single or double sided laminator that works just like a copy machine. You put the stock in, hit start and walk away. You can go get a cup of coffee, read the paper, or go over to The new MBM Aerocut slitter, cutter and creaser. This machine slits, cuts, and creases business cards, CD booklets, brochures, or anything up to 19” wide and infinite in length. Just put the stock in, hit start, and walk away. You may want to walk over to your digital printer or load up The Sterling Digipunch automatic “touch screen punch.” Simply load up to five reams of paper, hit start, and walk away. Your material will be sitting in the delivery tray on each of these machines when you return. Or, you can use the Graphic Whizard Creasemaster and UV coater in-line to produce eye popping brochures, creased, coated, and ready to go.
It’s hard to resist machines that reduce labor, and are as easy to run as these machines are. Either do these things the way you have always done them, or just keep walking.